Why Innovative Marketing is Essential

FACE Stockholm’s Head of Communication, Ebba Long, describes the brand’s relationship with millennials and Gen Z.

Since its launch in 1982, FACE Stockholm has managed to make its name known on a global scale. And according to Ebba Long, the brand’s Head of Communication, this feat has been no happy accident. In fact, she notes that the label’s success has been in large part due to FACE Stockholm’s willingness to understand— and truly connect with—its consumers. Here, Long discusses her team’s journey in drawing in millennial and Gen Z shoppers.

What does FACE Stockholm do to appeal to today’s consumers?
Since we are an indie beauty company with a worldwide presence, we have to work twice as hard to reach out to the younger audiences in comparison to the multibillion dollar marketing budgets the larger beauty corporations of the world play with. Not only do we rely on specific influencers on various social media platforms, we have also partnered up with some well established brands such as Reebok. We have a roster of products, tried and tested throughout the years, that have achieved a cult following. To keep it fresh, we have to think outside of the ’beauty box’ to reach the younger crowd through various marketing campaigns, events, collaborations, and language. An added bonus is that Sweden—as a country and culture—has become such a trend in its own right. Organically, the younger audience has sought us out on their own accord due to that. However, it is imperative that we are approachable to all ages with our marketing efforts, as beauty really is timeless and ageless.

Are there elements of Scandinavian style evident in your brand’s products?
Yes, we breathe and live Scandinavian (especially Swedish) style, not only in our carefully curated and eclectically designed retail stores, but also in how we present the brand online. We strive to try to make the online experience similar to the offline one. Even though we are in the business of color, we do value white space and a sense of minimalism.

Why might those specific details appeal to millennials and Gen Z?
Since we are a color-focused beauty brand, we have the tools to aid the younger generation to express themselves. FACE Stockholm thrives on cultivating individuality, and we present that in a careful balance of color surrounded by white space.

What are your top tips for other businesses in regard to how to appeal to millennials and Gen Z?
Dare to take a leap, and shake things up in the marketing department. The younger generations are much more curious and are not afraid to voice their opinions and thoughts. Learn from that, and explore. Examine how they use your site, the products they come back for, and what makes them tick. It is a two-way conversation. Rethink your tactics, and don’t be surprised if they do not fall for the same old outdated marketing tricks.