membership directory 2023
Published: May 18, 2023 | Author: SACCNY
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Below are the current SACCNY publications available to view. If you do not see a publication that your business needs, please contact us.
how the Swedish-American community continues to adapt & retool as Covid-19 rages on: the impact on growth opportunities & sustainability initiatives
How Swedish-American corporations and entrepreneurs are coping with and adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In an effort to shed light on how organizations are continuing to adapt and respond to the disruptions brought forth in the second phase of the pandemic, the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in New York (SACCNY) and Applied Value Group have teamed up once again to conduct a follow-up to the SACCNY Covid-19 Action Study (published in May). In this Study Phase II, we have not only studied how companies have continued to adapt and retool as the pandemic continues to unfold, but we have also analyzed how Covid-19 has impacted companies’ sustainability initiatives, growth opportunities, and more.
Published: 16 December 2020 | Author: SACCNY & Applied Value Group
To inquire about this publication, please reach out to
findings and insights: saccny COVID-19 action study
How Swedish-American corporations and entrepreneurs are coping with and adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The original intent and focus of this questionnaire and study were to gain useful insight and guidance on cultural differences for businesses active on and between the shores of Sweden and the United States. But as the COVID-19 pandemic struck, we the authors, felt compelled to respond in kind and put this effort to a more timely fact and insight gathering exercise – namely a comprehensive look at how businesses of various sizes and sectors were compelled to respond and retool. The red thread remains participants and respondents all active players in the Swedish-American business community.
With this study we hope to have done our part and contribute to a collective set of insights and lessons learned in order to better understand, create new best practices, and improved preparedness for future and similar disruptions.
Published: 26 May 2020 | Author: SACCNY & Applied Value Group
To inquire about this publication, please reach out to
tri-state directory 2020
Published: 6 May 2020 | Author: SACCNY
To inquire about the production of this publication, please reach out to
membership directories